With perfect legs and attractive looks, a woman can conquer half the world. But in almost every tenth representative of the fairer sex, the lower limbs are "decorated" with a blue venous network. Few people know how to treat varicose veins on the legs of women. And that at the first manifestations of veins, it is necessary to immediately take measures andyou consult a doctor - they forget or ignore it. After all, this is most likely the initial stage of the disease.
Varicose veins are deformations of veins that have lost their elasticity and lost the properties of natural blood flow to the lower extremities. Often the disease manifests itself on the legs of women and men in the area of the back surface of the knee joints or calf muscles. In rare cases, varicose veins appear in the pelvic organs.
To protect yourself from the prevention of varicose veins, it is very important to know the causes of their appearance. Heredity is the only thing that cannot be predicted, and in other cases, everything is only in your hands.

- Overweight.Excess body weight puts significant stress on the legs, which leads to impaired blood flow to the legs.
- PregnancyThe disease model works in the same way as for obesity. If a pregnant woman leads an inactive lifestyle, then a blue net on the lower extremities cannot be avoided.
- Inactive lifestyle.Sedentary work for 8 hours a day, frequent long trips behind the wheel lead to disruption of normal blood flow in the legs. You should take active breaks more often, walk more or do athletics.
- Staying on your feet for a long time.This factor is the exact opposite of the previous one, but there should be moderation in everything. After all, a job that requires you to be on your feet from 8 to 12 hours does not bode well. This point can also include long-term physical activity, which forms not only venous dilatation of the veins of the lower extremities, but also of the pelvic organs.
- Oncological diseases of the pelvic organs. Oncology is manifested by tumors that can cause compression of the iliac veins, thereby impeding blood flow to the legs.
- Thickening of the venous walls.This disease leads to disruption of blood flow, grows with the help of fibrous connective tissue.
- Incorrectly selected shoes.This is a purely female factor, because, in pursuit of beauty, girls often forget about comfort. High heels and wearing them for a long time are the worst enemies for your feet and comrades-in-arms for varicose veins.
- Heredity or congenital pathology.This is the only case when it is impossible to prevent the disease. But it is imperative to maintain the initial stage of varicose veins, not allowing it to worsen.
Despite the short list of the main causes of the disease, it should be remembered that even its first manifestations should not be ignored. Varicose veins are divided into seven stages. The first of these has no external signs or venous network, except for swelling, heaviness, pain and night cramps in the legs. The last stage is painful, with active trophic ulcers that ooze and no longer heal.
How to treat varicose veins on the legs in women
The disease, detected at an early stage, is treated more quickly. Unfortunately, only a few remember this simple truth. Therefore, as soon as you notice the first signs of varicose veins, be sure to consult a doctor. In the initial stage of the disease, you can use folk methods and remedies, pharmaceutical ointments that are sold without a prescription. But in advanced cases, already with the formation of trophic ulcers, such methods will be invalid. The only way out is injections, surgery or laser sealing. It is necessary to study in detail which methods are most effective at each stage of the disease.
Popular medications for the treatment of varicose veins are ointments, creams, tablets and patches. They improve blood circulation, increase the tone of vascular walls, reduce pain and prevent complications. Drug treatment is most effective when used in combination, maintaining and enhancing the properties of each drug.
At home
Treatment of varicose veins at home includes a number of procedures that help maintain the optimal condition of the disease. In addition to drug treatment, it is recommended to do a set of physical exercises at least once a day. Remember the school warm-up in physical education class, add a "birch" stand and spend 10-15 minutes on it. And if these exercises are done in special knitted underwear, the result will appear immediately.
People's funds

For the treatment of varicose veins with folk remedies, improvised means and products are used. Compresses of cabbage leaves smeared with honey are applied to the sore spots for several hours and wrapped in food film or plastic bag. This procedure helps relieve swelling and improves blood flow. A clay compress also works on this principle. It is applied to the inflamed areas, in several layers, wrapping each layer with gauze.
Infusions and decoctions of herbs are used for internal use. Pour a tablespoon of hop cones with a glass of water and boil in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Drink 200 ml before meals.
- "A few months ago I saw little blue stars on my feet. The reason for their appearance was my love for high heels, which I hardly take off, and sedentary work in the office. I thought varicose veins were a disease of women of retirement age, but it turns out I was wrong. After a consultation at the clinic, I now use an ointment with horse chestnut extract and do a complex of exercises at home. The blue stars became almost invisible. I also had to put aside my favorite high heels for more appropriate occasions. "
- "Now I have about stage three varicose veins. It began to manifest itself actively about five years ago. Severe pain and blue spots on my legs made me go to the clinic. I take tablets and use ointment as prescribed. Also, I try to make compresses from cabbage leaves. In hot weather, wiping with ice cubes or a cold water bath can help. There are changes, but not dramatic ones. After all, you should take care of your health from an early age. "
- "When I was a student, I would take off my heels just to go outside. Over time, I noticed that the veins became more noticeable, but I did not attach much importance. Now that I have a little more in my head, convenience and practicality have become a priority. At the same time, I don't stop looking feminine and attractive. I consulted a doctor, but at the moment I only use an ointment based on horse chestnut. It helps for some time and removes the swelling. But I try to move more and when I drive a car for a long time as a passenger, I always stretch my legs or get a massage. "
Varicose veins are a disease that cannot be eliminated forever. And to prevent its appearance, you need to move more. Even when you are at your busiest or busiest, find a few minutes to walk or jog; if it is not possible, move your legs in place in different directions - this will help improve blood circulation. If you plan to sit for a long time as a passenger, massage your shins, tap, change the position of your feet, or do a light tap. If possible, bring comfortable comfortable shoes with you. Heels are very beautiful and feminine, but remember that the higher their height, the greater the likelihood of disease.
An active lifestyle is the best prevention against varicose veins. This does not mean that you need to reduce passive rest to a minimum, but by maintaining a balance between them, you protect your health.
Very little is needed for the beauty of your feet - a healthy active lifestyle, adequate rest, comfortable shoes and proper nutrition. Even if the disease is inherited from you, do not despair. A complex of folk recipes and drug treatment will help to maintain the initial stage. After all, it is very important to react in time and start treatment without triggering the disease. And if you are the owner of slender and healthy legs, then make sure that you never study articles on the topic of how to treat varicose veins on the legs in women.